Rainwear to thrive in all elements.
171 days. The average amount it rains in Denmark each year. Rains was crafted by this climate. Our waterproof styles designed to embrace it. Water runs through our story, our language, our products. Informed by one thundering truth: be ready and the rain won’t keep you inside.

Come rain,
come shine.
A message of optimism. Equip yourself to see the potential, even on the greyest of days.

Explore Rainwear

When it rains,
it pours.
The elements are a source of torrential energy. City streets washed with rain inform the palette and performance for our essential collections.

Waterproof performance: welded seams.
Make waves.
A statement of intent. To disrupt. With ripples that continue to be felt, icons that demand to be seen.

the Jacket.
W3 - Drizzle.
Optimal protection from light rain.
Your first defense against windchill.
Available in multiple shades, with adjustable sleeves for a loose or tight fit.
Secure, welded seams and a 5-star customer rating.
Shop the JacketPerformance:
the Cape.
W3 - Drizzle.
Optimal protection from light rain.
Your first defense against windchill.
Optional sleeves can be created through snap fastenings.
Lightweight and packable. The perfect fit for cyclists.
Shop the Cape

the Curve Jacket.
W3 - Drizzle.
Optimal protection from light rain.
Your first defense against windchill.
Available in multiple shades, with a belt to enhance the silhouette.
Ventilation eyelets to ensure wearability all year round.
Shop the Curve Jacket